V0.0060 (version 60)
Seasons Start/Finish Seasons now start and end at 5pm UTC each Monday.
Red Gems Introduced Earn 2 red gems for listening to an audio advert (or buy red gems using KKT in-game). Red gems are now used for most premium actions: - Reroll Opponent. - Scout Opponent. - Fast Fight (Instant Result — no animations). - Reroll Base AP. - Reroll Ability. - Reroll Class. - Reset Used AP. - Entering the Endless Tower.
Referral System Update This has been synchronised with the other Kingdom Karnage games: - You now receive 10% of any spend your referral makes in-game. - Personalised referral codes can now be used to refer people to Kingdom Karnage Heroes. - If you refer someone for KK Heroes you are also referring them to Kingdom Karnage and Kingdom Karnage Clicker too and will receive referral income from all 3 games.
New Premium Action: Fast Fight A new action has been added to the pre-fight screen “Fast Fight”. Clicking this will cost you 1 red gem but will skip all fight animations taking you straight to the battle outcome screen.
PvP Seasonal Prizes Every active player is guaranteed a prize! Simply complete ONE of the objectives below: - Listen to 10 audio ads. - Enter the Endless Tower. - Score 100 points in PvP.
Last updated